OH-YES PLASTICS IS A NATIONWIDE MANUFACTURER AND GLOBAL SUPPLIER OF BLOW-MOLDED PLASTIC CONTAINERS.We possess and manage several plants throughout the United States, producing containers for diverse consumer goods and industrial products, which

  • Beverages {Dairy Water, Juice, Teas, Specialty}
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Consumer Goods {Household, Personal Care, Pharmaceutical, Toiletries}
  • Industrial and Chemical Products
  • Automotive {Lubes, Additives, Cleaners, and Polishes}
  • Specialty and Custom Designs

With years of experience in the plastics manufacturing business, Oh Yes Plastic Packaging has acquired product design and technical expertise, making us the industry leader in innovative and cost-effective packaging and branding solutions. We're the leading product designers for:

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Beverage Companies

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Food Packagers

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Fast Food Chains

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Food Service Industry

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Grocery Stores

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Home Improvement Stores

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Automotive Supply Stores

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Personal Care and Cosmetics

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Industrial Formulators


In the bustling city of Ramallah, nestled in the heart of the West Bank, lived Ana, a resilient and determined Palestinian woman. Ana's life was a testament to the strength of the human spirit as she navigated the challenges of being a single mother raising seven children amid political unrest.

​ Life in the occupied territories was fraught with uncertainties, but Ana was determined to provide her children with a stable and secure future. ​She envisioned a future where they could break free from the shackles of poverty and create opportunities. She employed local women who faced similar challenges, giving them a chance to earn a livelihood. Her approach became a symbol of women's strength and perseverance.

The journey was not without its obstacles. Ana faced unequivocal hurdles, limited access to resources, and the constant threat of unrest in the business. However, with every challenge, she found a way to overcome it, proving that the human spirit could not be crushed by adversity.

Ana's children grew into resilient, compassionate individuals as the years passed. They witnessed their mother's unwavering spirit and learned the importance of resilience, hard work, and compassion as the family business continued to thrive, becoming a source of pride for the entire community.

Oh-Yes Plastics collaborated with local manufacturers, transforming them into nationwide brands. Through hard work, determination, and a commitment to her family and the environment, Ana provided for her seven children and created positive change in her community.

Ana's story is an inspiration. It illustrates how one woman's vision and perseverance can transform challenges into opportunities, creating a better future for her family and community amid adversity.



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